Half Term 2014


Another holiday and another opportunity to give more young people the chance to develop those key transferable life skills – leadership, interpersonal, team working, organisational and communicational skills.

quote open“My son was fortunate enough to be selected and offered the opportunity to assist Lionel with his training/mentoring programme during the half -term this October. It was an experience he thoroughly enjoyed and actually looked forward to participating in. He loved the interaction with the children and found a new – found confidence when speaking to their parents. He enjoyed the responsibility given to him and the positive results from the children. He found Lionel to be an amazing coach/mentor,extremely easy to talk to and would do it again if the opportunity presented itself”
Jackie, Montelquote open’s mum

Two Induction day 2 workers were enrolled onto the scheme for the 1 week programme – Michael Howell who was looking forward to a second stint and Montel Ottey. However, regrettably, Michael got injured playing football the Sunday before and was not able to take part in the scheme. Both Michael and Montel attended the Induction Day in advance of the programme where as normal they received their rotas’ and daily logs and were taken through their Safeguarding Children’s risk assessment session.
Montel, who was the lone worker throughout the week was really tested dealing with multiple tasks on his own and responded well to the challenge. He displayed good interpersonal skills dealing with a number of different personalities whilst meeting and greeting participants and their parents, and managing a number of different groups. Montel was always organised and grew in confidence as the week went on. His leadership qualities improved immensely and Montel was a huge support to me.

quote open“I feel that the experience improved my interpersonal skills, self confidence, communication, team leading skills and gave me a new sense of responsibility. The experience was priceless and I felt the responsibilities given to me were challenging but enjoyable. It was a great experience and I would love to do it again”
Montquote openel Ottey

After the holiday programme had finished, Montel AWC 3 I conducted a wash-up session with Montel to conclude the work experience scheme. I provided some feedback centred on my assessment detailed on his one-page summary report and showed Montel some video clips of some of his performances. You could see the noticeable improvements and progression as the week went on mainly in how confident Montel looked and sounded when leading sessions, projecting his voice at the right level. At the end of the session we also discussed opportunities and ideas on how Montel could build on what he had experienced and the skills he had developed.
Montel showed good work ethics and I am truly grateful for his efforts and commitment. THANK YOU VERY MUCH MONTEL!

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