Besty’s Inspirational Guidance
Latest news…
The BiG Half Term 2020 Holiday Football Programme
The BiG Youth Social Action (YSA) Volunteers Scheme
Enrol onto the BiG Youth Social Action Volunteers Scheme now!
Young adults will engage in fun, developmental and youth led engagement activities that will help them through their journey and turn their aspirations to reality and potentials to success! You will also undertake practical activities to create positive social change that will be beneficial to their community as well as themselves.
The BiG Elite Football Development Programme
Are you between 9 and 13 years old and want to bridge the gap between where you are with your football abilities and understanding and football academy level?
Come and enjoy our weekly football sessions in the early evenings!
Contact BiG ASAP to register onto this fun and exciting weekly football programme!
Invite a friend and take advantage of the ‘referral’ offer!
Opportunities for young people to help shape their futures!
BiG is looking for creative thinkers with enthusiasm who care about their community to be part of the The BiG Youth Group. Is that you!
Another successful holiday football programme!
Here is BiG’s Privacy Policy Notice, in view of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)!
If you wish to continue receiving updates about all BiG’s services, the new regulations insists that you have to clearly opt in so please update your preferences
BiG Hitherfield Leaders!
BiG works in partnership with schools delivering its popularLeadership Programme that provides the opportunity for young people to develop key leadership skills such as self-management, organisation, interpersonal, communication and team working skills. Visit the Leadership Programme page to read more!
Lisa Finn, P.E. & Clubs School Improvement Leader, Hitherfield Primary School
BiG needs your help!
BiG is looking for partners to help empower young people. If you’re interested please contact BiG!
Welcome to BiG
BiG (Besty’s Inspirational Guidance) designs, develops and delivers preventative and development programmes for young people to enhance self-esteem, build resilience and provide tools to achieve positive outcomes.
Our offerings are broken down into 3 areas – motivational educational programmes, delivered mainly in schools, our community football services that are heavily subsidised by us, that offer opportunities for health and recreation for children out of school hours and; our work experience schemes for teenagers in schools, school leavers and young men and women that teach basic employability skills.
Please explore and visit all the pages on this website to find out more about BiG and see what BiG has been up to!